Pictures of Bifengxia in South Sichuan


The Bifengxia Panda Preserve, located at the foot of the first great Himalayan valleys, is surrounded by moist, green hills covered with many species of bamboo. Following the terrible earthquake of 2008, the Bifengxia Reserve has replaced Wolong Reserve as the site hosting the largest number of captive panda in the world.The park shuttle will guide you through the different spaces. It is not unusual to see a panda climbing several tens of meters to the heights of trees. The “kindergarden” with lots of young pandas is another highlight of the visit.The best time to observe the pandas is in the morning and around noon at mealtimes but the animal known for its laziness is never sure to be on time!It is possible to make a stay in the Bifengxia reserve by volunteering from one day to several months with the team of the base to take care of the daily tasks: feeding pandas, cleaning pandas, discovery of the Panda life …A nice little path coming out of the pandas reserve will allow you to join a river for a hike in the Bifengxia Gorge, giving the name to the site. This hike in the gorge is beautiful and lasts 2 to 3 hours depending on your pace. You can enjoy waterfalls, ponds, lush vegetation and a beautiful view of the gorges from the heights.

Bifengxia - 碧峰峡 : visits around

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