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Lucun 芦村

The Lucun village in photos

Presentation of the Lucun village

Located 1 kilometer north of Hongcun (8.5 Kilometers by road), Lucun is also registered with UNESCO. The locals are very proud of the 1400-year history of the village, even though most of the decorations date back to the Ming and Qing dynasties.The houses are stone from the outside, but the interior is full of wooden decoration. The old houses of wealthy merchant Lu Bangxie can be visited and are finely decorated: doors, windows, beams … some of which are carved scenes of everyday life. Presence of many frescoes, sometimes composed up to 9 layers.Much less visited than Hongcun, Lucun is therefore more enjoyable for those who love tranquility.

Useful information

Allow half a day for the visitName in Chinese : Lucun – 芦村Entry : ¥ 50Schedule : open all day

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