Dufu Thatched Cottage - 杜甫草堂

Pictures of Dufu Thatched Cottage

Dufu Thatched Cottage

Dufu (712-770) lived under the Tang dynasty and is considered, along with his contemporary Libai, as representing the peak of poetry in China. He fled the capital Chang’An (present-day Xi’an) in the grip of the war for Chengdu in 759. He then lived in a modest cottage for 5 years, writing about 240 poems.Three centuries later, admirers and poets paid him homage by building a park on his past place of life.This park undergoes several enlargements to become a vast set of temples, pagodas, lakes and courses. There are also many sculptures of Dufu and his poems, a museum, and a reconstruction of his home.Ticket price: 60 yuan per person.Opening Hours: From 9:00 to 17:00 (9am to 5pm)Access: by taxi for 15 yuan from downtown Chengdu. By bus, take the 901 tourist line connecting the main monuments of the city – 3 yuan.

Dufu Thatched Cottage - 杜甫草堂 : visits around

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