Some pictures of Xiamen
Xiamen Overview
Xiamen City, considered one of the most pleasant cities in China, is today a symbol of China’s economic success. Formerly called Amoy, the town is formed by Xiamen Island, Gulangyu Island, and the north bank of the Jiulongjiang River.Today’s visitors to Xiamen come mainly as gateways to the Hakka region, including visiting the famous “tulous” round houses, and visiting Gulangyu Island.The city of Xiamen itself remains pleasant, with an old city still existing with some buildings dating from the period of European presence. You can visit some ancient temples, including Nanputuo.
What to visit in Xiamen?
L’Île de Kinmen
Kinmen Island, or Jinmen, is right in front of the Chinese metropolis of Xiamen, Fujian Province. This Taiwanese island was recently closed to visitors and was then developed as an island fortress. The archipelago, which has 15 small islands, became accessible to tourists in 2001.The island is easily accessible. Ferries connect it daily to Xiamen City. It is therefore possible to visit it for a day or half a day during a stay in Fujian.